This Whirlpool model WTW4815EW0 is a popular Whirlpool washer because it’s not too fancy, moderately priced, and reliable.
I’ve been in many homes over the years, and I can tell you I’ve seen more of these newer Whirlpools than any other type or model.
They’re dependable machines, and most people love them for their efficiency and money savings compared to what they dealt with before buying this model.
Of course, it goes without saying if you follow the directions and learn about washing with HE technology, you’ll see a huge difference from the old way of washing your clothes.
I said that because many customers wouldn’t accept HE technology, and most wanted to go back to conventional washing. It always took some convincing, but they were glad they switched once they saw the difference.
Part of the instructions mention proper loading. Basically, keep your loads on the normal side, which means if you feel compelled to use a broom handle to stuff your washer with clothes, this model might not be the one for you!
Yes, I really did see a woman using one, and after we laughed out loud and I showed her the difference between conventional and HE washing, she realized how things have changed for the better. I think she’s sold on HE from now on.
Ok, on to the error codes. I’ll be showing you the error codes you may see with this machine, but rest assured, provided you take care of the machine, you won’t see many. Just in case you do, they’re listed here for your convenience.
If you happen to run across an issue you can’t figure out, just book an appointment with one of our technicians, and we’ll do a virtual service call with you to assist you in troubleshooting and then assist you in repairing the problem if needed.
The diagram here shows how to enter the diagnostic mode to view the error codes.
It might take a few tries, but you will succeed. After each unsuccessful attempt, turn the control knob CCW a few times to start over.
F0E0 – No Fault
F0E2 – Over Suds Condition Detected
Fault is displayed when Suds prevent the basket from spinning up to speed or the pressure sensor detects rising suds level. The main control will flush water in an attempt to clear Suds. If the water flush is unable to correct the problem, this may indicate:
- Not using HE detergent.
- Excessive detergent usage.
- Check pressure hose connection from tub to pressure sensor. Is the hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
- Mechanical friction on drive mechanism or basket. (Clothing between basket and tub.)
F0E4 – High Water Temperature In Rinse Cycle
Fault is displayed when washer detects water temperature 105° or higher during rinse cycle.
- Hot water getting in. Make sure inlet hoses are connected correctly.
- If hoses are installed properly, temperature thermistor may be stuck in low resistance range.
F0E5 – Off-Balance Load Detected
Fault is displayed when an off-balance condition is detected.
- Check for weak suspension. Basket should not bounce up and down more than once when pushed.
- Clothing should be distributed evenly when loading.
F1E1 – Main Control Fault
F1E2 – Motor Control Fault
Indicates a fault of the motor control section of the main control.
F2E1 – Stuck Key
- One or more keys on the User Interface were actuated for 15 consecutive seconds.
F2E3 – Mismatch of Main Control and UI
The User Interface identification does not match the expected value in the Main Control Board.
- A fault occurs during Diagnostic Test Mode if a mismatch of main control and UI is identified.
F3E1 – Pressure System Fault
Fault is displayed when the Main Control detects an out-of-range pressure signal.
- Check pressure hose connection from tub to pressure sensor.
- Is hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
F3E2 – Inlet Water Temperature Fault
Fault is displayed when the Inlet Thermistor is detected to be open or shorted.
F5E1 – Lid Switch Fault
Fault is displayed if lid is in locked state, but lid switch is open; control not sensing the strike in the lid lock.
- User presses START with lid open.
- The main control cannot detect the lid switch opening and closing properly.
- Strike not assembled correctly on the lid.
- Lid lock bezel not installed correctly (must be square to embossing and flush to top).
F5E2 – Lid Lock Fault
Fault is displayed if Lid Lock has not moved into locked position or motor cannot be powered.
- Lid is not closed completely due to interference.
- Check for lock interference with lock striker.
- Wash media buildup (detergent, lint, etc.) is preventing the lock mechanism from sliding.
- Main control detects open lid switch when attempting to lock.
- Main control cannot determine if lid lock is in a locked state.
F5E3 – Lid Unlock Fault
Fault is displayed if Lid Lock has not moved into unlocked position or motor cannot be powered.
- Check for lock interference with lock striker.
- Main control cannot determine if lid lock is in an unlocked state.
F5E4 – Lid Not Opened Between Cycles
Fault is displayed if the following conditions occur:
- User presses START after several consecutive washer cycles without opening lid.
F7E1 – Basket Speed Fault
Fault is displayed when the main control cannot determine speed of basket, or speed changes too quickly.
- Locked rotor—check that basket, impeller, and motor can rotate freely.
- Check harness connections from main control to motor and shifter.
- Control not sensing the basket move in spin.
- Bad motor capacitor, motor or capacitor connector disconnected, or broken wires to motor or capacitor.
- Belt is off or pulley is loose—check drive belt. Verify that belt is fully installed on both pulleys. Also, check that the pulleys are fastened securelv to the motor shaft and agitator shaft.
F7E5 – Shifter Fault
Fault is displayed when the main control cannot determine position of shifter.
- Check harness connections from main control to motor and shifter.
- Observe shifter operation.
F7E6 – Motor Fault
Indicates an open clockwise or counterclockwise circuit of the motor.
F7E7 – Motor Unable to Reach Target RPM
Fault is displayed when basket speed sensor detects that target RPM was not reached.
- Mechanical friction on drive mechanism or basket (clothing between basket and tub).
- Weak motor or run capacitor, or no connection to run capacitor.
- Load off balance. Clothing should be distributed evenly when loading.
F8E1 – No Fill, Long Fill
Fault is displayed when the water level does not change for a period of time OR water is present but main control does not detect the water level changing.
- Is water supply connected and turned on?
- Low water pressure; fill times longer than six minutes. Are hose screens plugged?
- Check for proper drain hose installation. Is water siphoning out of the drain hose?
- Drain hose must not be more than 4.5″ (114 mm) into the drain pipe.
- Check pressure hose connection from tub to pressure sensor. Is hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
F8E3 – Overflow Condition
Fault is displayed when the hot and cold inlet hoses are reversed.
- Make sure inlet hoses are connected correctly.
- If hoses are installed properly, temperature thermistor may be stuck in low resistance range.
F9E1 – Long Drain
Fault is displayed when the water level does not change after the drain pump is on for 10 minutes.
- Is the drain hose or the drain pump clogged? Check tub sump under impeller for obstructions.
- Is the drain hose height greater than 8′ (2.4 m)?
- Too much detergent.
- Check pressure hose connection from tub to pressure sensor. Is hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
As always, we hope our post today inspires you to fix your own stuff because it’s rewarding and can save you some serious money. But we already know that nothing is too difficult in the heart of a true DIYer like yourself. And we also know from experience that sometimes, we run across something that just kicks our butt, and we need some help. That’s the best time to book an appointment with Neli – problem solved!
See you soon.
Thomas @ Neli
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