Today, I’ll be reviewing the error codes for your Maytag top load washer, model MVWC465HW4. I know from experience with this machine that very little goes wrong with these. One of the few exceptions happens to be customer error.
Before you get mad at me, please hear me out.
Overall, this is a very good machine for what it’s designed for, and anything outside of its normal use is asking for problems. Let me explain.
By far, the number one cause of most of the issues with this design is overloading. In my other posts, I’ve talked about this same thing.
To keep your machine relatively error-free for its lifetime, don’t make your loads too big. By that, I mean keep your biggest load at a level of about 8” from the top ring of the basket. And pay attention to the weight. If it seems too heavy, please make it lighter.
Keep in mind that the main control of the washer knows how much weight it can safely handle. As long as your loads are within that range, the machine should perform well. It’s when you push the limits that problems start mounting.
Excessive vibration, banging, and extended wash times are indications of overloading. And the more you run the machine this way, the shorter its lifespan. In the future, keep the loads reasonable and beware of the early warning signs I mentioned. Trust me on this. It will save you money and lots of grief!
Ok, on to the error codes. In the unlikely event an error code pops up, pay attention to what it’s telling you. Make note of the code and check the code against the error codes listed here. If the cause of the code isn’t easily found, book an appointment with us, and we’ll get to the cause and suggest a repair.
MVWC465HW4 Error Codes
Special note about reading the error codes: (Reference the above picture)
If the Sensing LED is ON, the fault number is represented; if OFF, the error number is represented. The remaining LEDs (Wash, Rinse, Spin, and Done) represent the fault and error code.
F0E2 – Over Suds condition detected Sensing ON, Spin ON
The fault is displayed when Suds prevent the basket from spinning up to speed or the pressure sensor detects a rising suds level. The main control will flush water to clear Suds. If the water flush is unable to correct the problem, this may indicate:
- Not using HE detergent.
- Excessive detergent usage.
- Check the pressure hose connection from the tub to the main control. Is the hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
- Mechanical friction on the drive mechanism or basket. (Clothing between basket and tub.)
F0E4 – High Water Temperature in the Rinse Cycle Sensing ON, Rinse ON
Fault is displayed when the washer detects a water temperature of 105F or higher during the rinse cycle. The likely causes are:
- Hot water is getting into the washer when only cold water should be entering.
- Make sure hot and cold inlet hoses aren’t switched.
- If they are correct, the internal thermistor inside the inlet valve could be faulty.
F0E5 – Off Balance Load Detected Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Done ON
Fault is displayed when the control detects an off-balance load.
- Check for weak suspension. When pushed downward, the basket should not bounce up and down more than once.
- Be sure to load clothes evenly when loading.
F1E1 – Main Control Fault Sensing ON, Done ON, Done ON
Indicates a main control Fault.
F1E2 – Motor Control Fault Sensing ON, Done ON, Rinse ON
Indicates a fault of the motor control section of the main control.
Special note about reading the error codes: (Reference the above picture)
If the Sensing LED is ON, the fault number is represented; if OFF, the error number is represented. The remaining LEDs (Wash, Rinse, Spin, and Done) represent the fault and error code.
F2E1 – Stuck Key Sensing ON, Spin ON, Done ON
One or more keys on the User Interface (UI) were actuated for 15 consecutive seconds.
- Fault occurs during the Diagnostic Test Mode
F2E3 – Mismatch of Main Control & UI Sensing ON, Spin ON, Spin ON
The UI identification does not match the expected value in the Main Control.
- The fault occurs during Diagnostic Test Mode if a mismatch of the Main Control and UI is identified.
F3E1 – Pressure Sensor Fault Sensing ON, Spin ON, Done ON
Fault is displayed when the Main Control detects an out-of-range pressure signal.
- Check the pressure hose connection from the tub to the Main Control.
- Is the hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
F3E2 – Inlet Water Temperature Fault Sensing ON, Spin ON, Done ON, Spin ON
Fault is displayed when the Inlet Thermistor is detected to be open or shorted.
F5E1 – Lid Switch Fault Sensing ON, Spin ON, Done ON, Spin ON
Fault is displayed if the Lid Switch has not been detected after multiple wash cycles.
- A user presses START with lid open.
- The Main Control cannot detect if the Lid Switch opens and closes properly.
F5E2 – Lid Lock Fault Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Done ON, Spin ON
Fault is displayed if the Lid Lock has not moved into the locked position or the motor cannot be powered.
- Lid is not closed completely due to interference.
- Check for lock interference with lock strike.
- Wash media buildup (detergent, lint, etc.) is preventing the lock mechanism from sliding.
- The Main Control detects an open Lid Switch when attempting to lock.
- The Main Control cannot determine if the Lid Lock is in a locked state.
F5E3 – Lid Unlock Fault Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Done ON, Spin ON, Done ON
Fault is displayed if the Lid Lock has not moved into unlocked position or the motor cannot be powered.
- Check for lock interference with lock strike.
- The Main Control cannot determine if the Lid Lock is an unlocked state.
F5E4 – Lid Not Opened Between Cycles Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Done ON, Rinse ON
Fault is displayed if the following conditions occur:
- A user presses START after several consecutive washer cycles without opening the lid.
F7E1 – Basket Speed Sensor Fault Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Spin ON, Done ON, Done ON
Fault is displayed when the Main Control cannot determine the speed of the basket.
- Locked rotor. Check that the basket, impeller, and motor can operate freely.
- Check the harness and connections from the Main Control to the motor and the shifter.
F7E5 – Shifter Fault Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Spin ON, Done ON, Rinse ON, Done ON
Fault displayed when the Main Control cannot determine the position of the Shifter.
- Check the harness connections from the Main Control to the motor and Shifter.
- Observe Shifter operation.
F7E6 – Motor Fault Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Spin ON, Done ON, Rinse ON, Spin ON
Indicates an open clockwise or counterclockwise circuit of the motor.
F7E7 – Motor unable to reach target RPM Sensing ON, Rinse ON, Spin ON, Done ON, Rinse ON, Spin ON, Done ON.
Fault is displayed when the basket speed sensor detects that the target RPM was not reached.
- Mechanical friction on the drive mechanism or basket (i.e., clothing between the basket and tub).
- Weak motor or run capacitor.
- Load off balance. Clothing should be evenly distributed when loading.
Special note about reading the error codes: (Reference the above picture)
If the Sensing LED is ON, the fault number is represented; if OFF, the error number is represented. The remaining LEDs (Wash, Rinse, Spin, and Done) represent the fault and error code.
F8E1 – No Fill or Long Fill Sensing ON, Wash ON, Done ON
Fault is displayed when the water level does not change for a period of time OR water is present in the basket, but the Main Control does not detect the water level changing.
- Is the water supply connected and turned on?
- Low water pressure; fill times longer than 6 minutes. Are the hose screens plugged?
- Check for proper drain hose installation. Is water siphoning out of the drain hose?
- Drain hose must not be more than 4.5 inches into the drain pipe.
- Check the pressure hose connection from the tub to the Main Control. Is the hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
F8E3 – Overflow Condition Sensing ON, Wash ON, Spin ON, Done ON
Fault is displayed when the Main Control senses water that exceeds the washer’s capacity.
- May signify a problem with the water inlet valves.
- Check the pressure hose connection from the tub to the Main Control. Is the hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
- Pressure transducer fault on the Main Control.
F8E5 – Hot or Cold Water Inlet Hoses Reversed Sensing ON, Wash ON, Rinse ON, Done ON.
Fault is displayed when the hot and cold inlet hoses are reversed.
- Make sure the hoses are installed properly.
- If hoses are installed properly, the temperature thermistor may be stuck in a low resistance range.
F9E1 – Long Drain Sensing ON, Wash ON, Done On, Done On.
Fault is displayed when the water level does not change after the Drain Pump is on for 10 minutes.
- Is the Drain Hose or the Drain Pump clogged? Check the tub sump under the impeller for obstructions.
- Is the drain hose height greater than 96”?
- Check the pressure hose connection from the tub to the Main Control. Is the hose pinched, kinked, plugged, or leaking air?
- Is the pump running?
The information provided here should bring you to the source of the issue with your washer. I can’t list all the potential reasons for any codes as many times more than one factor is at play. Keep this in mind when attempting to solve the problem.
Be sure to check the Tech Sheet within the washer cabinet. Take a look behind the front panel located in the top left corner.
Once again, you don’t need to tackle this by yourself. But if you do, good luck, take your time and do it right.
Otherwise, simply set up an appointment, and our team will be here to support you with whatever issue may arise.
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