Neli provides the virtual diagnosis

Nice Kitchen with Dog on Carpet

Book a video chat appointment for your customer.Diagnosis or Part installation


Hello, Hallman Representative! When you are booking an appointment for the customer, the correct TIMEZONE is important!

TIMEZONE: Please choose the customer's timezone CITY when booking. The system automatically detects YOUR time zone city but not the customer's. Once you reach the time section, click on the drop-down to choose the city which REPRESENTS the customer's timezone (not necessarily where they actually live).  See the chart below as an easy guide to follow:

Eastern: New York

Central: Chicago

Mountain: Denver

Pacific: Los Angeles

Special case: Arizona mountain time should be Pheonix, Arizona as the time zone

Booking your virtual diagnosis appointment for your Hallman Appliance.*Powered by Neli.

Hallman loves it's customers

A Neli tech works with you over video chat, finds the issue, and tells you how to fix it!

Neli Home - Virtual Appliance Repair for Fridge