Don’t call an outside repairman. We can help your team diagnose and repair appliance issues.
Our techs work with your maintenance personnel over video chat to troubleshoot and often repair for $35.
Book an appointment for tech support

Keep them loving your property. Add us to your workflow for faster tenant appliance repair.
We can work with your team remotely if they’re stuck on an appliance issue. No need to call an outside service for help.
Maintenance can get appliance troubleshooting help now, remotely! Click the Neli CHAT bubble or book an appointment.
You can book an appointment with a Neli experienced technician at a time when you know you will be at the unit.
Always Convenient, Alway Virtual!
Vacation Rentals
We understand each property and its appliances are unique.
Luxury Brands
Our Neli techs are familiar with all appliance makes and models.
Anyone on your team can fix issues!
The Neli service was designed to work with anyone on your team. Your team member does not have to have maintenance experience, just a smart phone and some basic tools. Our Neli techs can guide you over video chat to find and fix the issue.
We tell you the exact replacement part needed.
Your Neli technician will identify the replacement part(s) needed. You can buy the part from us and we will ship the part to the requested address. Book an appointment if your maintenance staff needs assistance installing the part or wants to verify all is working well. Call Parts: 833-876-0900 EX 5