What We Repair

Neli can help you repair all your appliances and heating and cooling issues, virtually! We even guide you through programming your smart thermostat. Neli technicians work with you over a video chat to find the problem and tell you how to repair it. We will tell you what replacement parts are needed and where to find them. We can even guide you through installing the replacement parts over another video call.

HVAC and Boilers

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Video chat service diagnosis or repair provided by Neli Technicians on the site or app are to be used by Customers at their own risk.  Neli Technicians are independent contractors. Neli reviews and screens contractors based on their knowledge and certifications. The Neli screening process reviews that the Techs we work with are qualified in at least one of the following categories;  licensed, certified, educated, or have experience in only one or more appliances.