Regardless of which model Cabrio you’re using, they do have their issues in spin mode. That’s not to say they’re a terrible machine, because that would be a lie. Overall, they’re a great machine, but like every other washing machine, someday issues will come up.
I’ll start with the latest version of the Whirlpool Cabrio and work my way back to the beloved floating basket models (pun intended). Models in the 2016 and newer era have a beautiful redesign and get better every year. Sleek and modern looking with a touch UI. Larger capacity and high-speed spin make these machines a must-have for many.
A big problem happening everywhere it seems directly relates to two things. The first being that customers are unaware that you can overload these machines. The second one is still related to overloading, but there may be an easy fix.
Salespeople tend to forget about telling customers that in these machines, and most other top-loading machines, a full load is a half-full basket – no exceptions.
An overloaded top-load washer won’t perform well, and constant use stresses the mechanical components. The quick demise of the machine occurs because of the extra weight it deals with regularly. Please, take my advice and stop overloading your machine. You can thank me when you realize your machine lasted longer than you expected.
Causes of a Noisy Spin and Wash Cycle
In the new Whirlpool Cabrio, overloading causes the basket/tub assembly to sink beyond its designed limits, resulting in the rotor (No. 21 in the diagram) of the motor rubbing on the floor during the wash and spin cycle. That’s a peculiar noise that you won’t soon forget.
Before you say to yourself the machine shouldn’t do that, you’re right. It shouldn’t and typically won’t. However, if there is something under the machine like a warped floor, or a carpeted floor, or even a children’s toy, the rotor will make contact. Please, double-check for these possible causes.
A similar noise occurs when your machine sits on a drip pan. Many of these drip pans have an arc in the middle for some reason, and the rotor ends up very close to it and starts to rub loudly. It’s the added weight that causes the tub assembly to sink too close to the drip pan. As the rotor spins or agitates back and forth, it rubs on the drip pan below. You might think this is a design problem. In truth, the extra weight causes the problem.
Here’s an actual parts breakdown of the tub/basket assembly of a Whirlpool Cabrio washer:

Part no. 28 is the suspension rod. Top load washers have four of them. They’re metal rods that hang from the aprons built into the frame of the machine. On one end, a heavy-duty spring supports the weight of the tub assembly and everything attached. The opposite end attaches to the apron.
The four suspension rods support ALL of the combined weight of the parts in the diagram except the wiring harness. Add some water and clothes to all that weight, and you should have a new appreciation for the amount of weight held by just those suspension rods!
Spin and Agitate Issues with Earlier Cabrio Designs
Earlier Cabrios (2016 and older) have a different design and don’t experience the same issue if it’s overloaded. That’s not to say it’s OK to overload them. The mechanical stress is always an issue when a washer is overloaded. They still use the suspension rod system, but the tub/basket assembly uses a floating basket that’s smaller with a different motor.
The floating basket is another issue with the earlier Cabrios. The basket floats in water as the tub fills up, allowing agitation to occur. Before spinning, the drain motor pumps out the water, and the basket returns to its regular down (spin) position. The problem with this design is the shaft that the basket slides on gets corroded and rusts, causing the basket to seize on the tub shaft.
That leads to OL (overload) error codes, and the basket will not spin until a new shaft or tub (with the shaft) gets replaced along with the suspension rods.
Common Noisy Spin Issues
The most common noise during spin comes from a worn-out and leaking tub bearing. That’s true for all Cabrios, even though the design is slightly different. You can’t help but hear what sounds like a jet flying over your house as your washer spins faster and faster. It’s not a jet; it’s your washer’s tub bearing!
In earlier Cabrios, the tub shaft is the culprit, forcing you to replace the shaft or the tub that includes the shaft. Newer Cabrios use a gearcase with the bearing built-in, so the only way to repair it is with a new gearcase (No. 3 in the diagram).
Keep Your Whirlpool Cabrio Working Great
I hope you have a better idea of what causes the noises in your washer. You’ll find that some noise during spin or agitate is preventable if you follow the guidelines stated here. Keep the load size reasonable, use the right amount of soap, and maintain the machine. After all, it is only a machine, and it depends on you for proper care. Machines do break, and that’s why NeliHome is here for you! If you need advice or help with a repair or diagnosis, we’re ready and able to help out!
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I absolutely loved ❤ this . Thank you. I have recently had to start repairing my washer and decided to do myself. It was an experience in its own. I did accomplish it with video and sites like this
Our Cabrio platinum leaked a little from day 1 through I assume the tub seal now. It is in a pan so I didn’t worry because it was such a small amount. In time it has corroded the shaft/bearing below. Now on spin it make a very loud grinding noise. My wife has never overloaded it as it will marginally clean clothes in small amounts as it is. We are very disappointed in the machine especially for what we paid for it. We will go back to the old agitator design in some other brand besides Whirlpool..We had some of those last 20 plus years. No need to make a better mouse trap as it turns out..
My lid will lock and will not open,I kept pressing the button to try to unlock it,but it took days before I tried just unplugging it and it came unlocked,to much tried to try to get to plug as I am 73 and d it is hard to get yo plug.
Gerald that’s a lot work to end up with a knock during wash. Check the basket first. If that’s tight, you may have a loose bolt on the shaft you just replaced or the rotor nut might also be loose. Good luck with this.
I had to replace the lid lock….now it won’t spin code LF pops up…
I can’t get it to reset
Hi Maynard, thanks for the question. I don’t have your model number, but I can say that generally an LF code is telling you not enough water is entering your machine. LF stands for “Long Fill” in most cases. Please set up an appointment with us and we’ll solve this issue quickly. Thanks! Thomas
I am sorry but it was a awful machine and it never worked well and for that matter it never cleaned well lost a lot of respect for whirlpool it was a disaster and im a kitchen and bath designer!but they apparently could care less
Hi Eric, thanks for reaching out. I will tell you the early Cabrios had their share of problems, but nothing bad about washability. WP has redesigned the series and their latest units perform much, much better.
Terrible product in my opinion I been repairing appliances for 39 years overloading or not whirlpool lost my respect with all their appliances
Hi Bubba, so sorry you feel that way. Must have been a few bad experiences which we all have now and then. I’ve been techin’ for 42 years and counting, and I haven’t had the kind of problems you’re describing, but like I said, yours must have been a bad experience. Whirlpool keeps advancing and they have some great laundry products you might like. The new Cabrio is untouchable in my opinion. Check it out, then maybe you’ll reconsider. Thomas
I have Model WTW5840BW0 that is making the “jet” sound . How do I know if it classifies as you refer to it as and older model or newer to know if I need to replace the shaft or the bearings? Thank you for any guidance.
Hi Tonia, the “jet” sound is most likely a bad gearcase bearing. Depending on how long it’s been doing this, you might want to take a look under your machine for oil and grease on the floor and elsewhere. The only solution for this is a new gearcase and possibly a new belt and pulley. We can walk you through the repair if you would like. Go to and select “Book an Appointment”. Thanks Tonia. Thomas
Hello, I have the 8500 series washer and dryer. Just had to replace my element on the dryer and now my washer is squeaking/squealing. I can turn it and it doesn’t. But if it spins slightly with a load that makes the tub a little off balances then it does this. Any idea?
Hi Brian, if your washer squeals when it’s in a powered spin, suspect the tub (gearcase) bearing for starters. We can walk you through the diagnosis or repair if you choose.
Mine sounds like an alien invasion and also does the UL code. I’m frustrated, with several loads of laundry, about to head to the laundromat.
Hi Kelly, sounds like suspension rods to me. The UL code stands for unbalanced load which is common in the older Cabrios. Go HERE and set up an appt. so we can be sure. Thanks!
I have a Whirlpool washer model:WTW5550XW0 and it sounds like a jet that will take off any minute during the spin cycle. Is the transmission gone?
Hi Scafidi, yes, if you have that kind of sound during spin, it’s likely the tub bearing is gone. The only replacement is a new gearcase. If you would like, we can walk you through the replacement. Go HERE and set up an appointment so we can make sure. Thanks!
Just moved into a new to us house and our Cabrio sounds like a jackhammer going off 3 separate times and then there are various bangs which happen when the washer is running. Any idea what the jackhammer sound is all about?
Hi Pauly,
There are different models of the Cabrio, so it’s difficult to give you a solid answer about the jackhammer sounds. But one possibility is the suspension rods might be worn out (older models). For the best diagnosis, may I suggest you set up an appt. here. We can troubleshoot and find the exact cause.
my washer wont spin after wash cycle and keeps giving code 5d
A 5D error code could mean many things, but without a model number we can’t go much further until we know. Better yet, have us give you a hand. Set up an appointment here. Thanks!
my wtw8000bw0 makes a plastic on plastic grinding noise during agitation only
otherwise spins freely and smoothly
cant seem to find a solution online?
can you point me in the right direction
Hello Thomas,
We have Cabrio Whirlpool washer wtw8500dc0, we have noticed our discharge tube into stationary tube w/ mesh trap, to catch any lint from going into stationary tub drain, has 1/2” long narrow pieces of penitentiary plastic collecting in mesh trap mixed in w/ lint. Noticing that machine is much noisier in spin cycle, any thoughts on what could be causing these two issues?
Hello Scott, without seeing it myself, the only thing resembling a 1/2″ piece of plastic may be one of the fins from the drain pump impeller broken off. They then enter the drain water stream and get pushed out of the washer through the drain hose. For this to be true, your machine must have the new version of drain pump because the old version had 5 vanes, where the new ones have around 7 or 8, but they’re skinnier. Anything else inside the machine of that size may have come from another source such as something inside a pocket or something. As for the noisier spin cycle, that could be either the failed drain pump vibrating because it lost one or two vanes and is now unbalanced OR, the tub bearing could be wearing and needs replacing. Hope this helps!
I would never buy a whirlpool (cabrio) product again. On my second washer in ten years and it’s a bigger POS than the first one. I even bought a larger model and same problems. Sounds like the thing is gonna take off.
Hi Mike, if your machine is that loud in spin, it’s likely the tub bearing is defective. Depending on the model, it’s either going to require a new gear case in the later models, or a new tub with the shaft included, or a replacement kit for the shaft. To be sure, you can book an appointment with us, and we’ll find out the exact cause.
Mine will not agitate just sounds like something grinding and there’s no movement when I’m looking in thru the lid during wash cycle then during rinse and spin cycles works fine I have replaced the agitator