Home improvement and repair work table

The Evolution of Appliance Repair Service

Thirty-five years ago, on-site appliance repair service was the only game in town except for toasters, irons, and miscellaneous household appliances…

Neli Home - Technician in workwear installing pipe system by bathtub

Easy Home Appliance Installation Checks

Most people assume their appliance is installed properly because the installer said it was. I know this sounds a little harsh, but the reality is all…

woman pressing energy saver button on dishwasher

Bosch Dishwasher Doesn’t Work? Try a Reset

Get to know this often-overlooked Bosch Dishwasher Feature to Avoid this Costly Professional Quick Fix. By: Flate Wright/Appliance Technician For…

In Home Appliance Repair - There’s a Better Way

DIY appliance repair is gaining in popularity daily as people like you find out there’s a better way to repair your appliances. In home appliance…

Handy Tips for Cleaning Your Appliances

Remember the day you first laid eyes on your new glass cooktop? Have you struggled to keep it looking like that? Your new oven shined inside and…