Home improvement and repair work table

The Evolution of Appliance Repair Service

Thirty-five years ago, on-site appliance repair service was the only game in town except for toasters, irons, and miscellaneous household appliances…

Neli Home - Technician in workwear installing pipe system by bathtub

Easy Home Appliance Installation Checks

Most people assume their appliance is installed properly because the installer said it was. I know this sounds a little harsh, but the reality is all…

woman pressing energy saver button on dishwasher

Bosch Dishwasher Doesn’t Work? Try a Reset

Get to know this often-overlooked Bosch Dishwasher Feature to Avoid this Costly Professional Quick Fix. By: Flate Wright/Appliance Technician For…

In Home Appliance Repair - There’s a Better Way

DIY appliance repair is gaining in popularity daily as people like you find out there’s a better way to repair your appliances. In home appliance…